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The Referee

Last night Lord,
I learned about how you work
through our special friends
much like a referee.

It all started
when my good friend and I had a misunderstanding;
we couldn't seem to work it out.
Knowing that our friendship needed mending,
you allowed a mutual friend to step in
and "listen" to both our points of view.

Determining not to take sides,
she listened patiently;
then with your divine guidance,
spoke ever so gently
with tender compassion
yet firm conviction
exactly what our ears needed to hear.

She spoke of your love;
how that love brings victory.
She spoke about christian maturity;
how we must be willing
to understand the other persons feelings,
never demanding our own way.

The big question come next ...
"What would Jesus do if He were in this situation?"
"What would Jesus do ..."
"What would Jesus ..."
"What would ..."

Those words,
which you allowed to flow through her,
seemed to echo inside of me.
They reached down,
opening up the deepest part of my heart,
allowing me to know
exactly what had to be done.

Thank you Lord,
for friends like the "referee"
sent by you,
to focus our eyes
on your wonderful love.

Written By: Racci
What Would Jesus Do?
When human nature gets in our way,
we don't want to see "others" viewpoint;
we want things "our" way.

But demanding our own way
scars relationships.
Friendships will be stronger when we learn to value our friends thoughts.

Likewise, our relationship with the Lord grows
and becomes stronger when we learn to
get our eyes off of ourselves and ask ...
"What Would Jesus Do?"

What Would Jesus Do?

Let that thought echo in your heart today
W W J D ?

When we take our eyes off ourselves
and begin asking "What we Jesus do?",
we can't help but cry out to the Lord to ...
Change my heart oh God, make it ever new.
Change my heart oh God, may I be like you.

You are the potter; I am the clay.
Mold me and make me; this is what I pray.

Change my heart oh God, make it ever new.
Change my heart oh God, may I be like you.

Does your heart need to be changed?

Please email us so we can pray with you.

Spirit^Wolf & Racci

Racci's-Resort Family Stories Poems Etc. The ABC Plan Christian Resources
Spirit^Wolf's Den Wolf Pages Just for Fun Chatters Web Page Resources

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