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The Rescue
This is my family heritage; a true story near and dear to my heart.
It goes way back.
You see, it's about my mothers parents and the miraculous way God came into their lives ... |
Grandma and grandpa were from Austria Hungary and spoke Ukranian.
They didn't know each other until they both moved to America |
When she was a teenager, grandma had a chance to visit America.
She loved it, but new she needed to go back to her country to take care of her baby.
Things were very bad in grandma's homeland at that time. Her family insisted that she stay in America to have a better life. They said they'd take care of her baby and raise her as their own. The family didn't want grandma coming back to the terrors of their country. Grandma loved her baby and wanted to go back for her but didn't have the money. So, against her desires, grandma stayed in America. |
It was here that she met my grandfather who was also from her country. They fell in love and married. Being in America was good for them; they had a "good" life by secular standards. They had 3 lovely children (my mother was yet to be born). |
Things started changing when my aunt and uncles were in their teens |
Grandma made a special "brew" for grandpa's friends that would come to their house every Friday night to sing and dance. The guest would give grandpa money to keep him playing the piano while they drank grandma's brew. |
Grandpa drank not only at home, but in local taverns.
He would get so drunk that my uncles would pick him up off the streets
and carry him home in a wheelbarrel.
Eventually, he drank up the families money. In return, his health began to fail. He was in and out of hospitals with several doctors sending him home to die. |
Grandma was also wearing down so she sought help from their church. The priest insisted on payment to say the last rites over grandpa. They had no money left so the priest refused to pray. |
Grandma became very discouraged.
Here she was with 3 children, expecting another child (my mother) at any time,
a dying husband, and the priest refusing to say the final prayer over grandpa.
Grandma said that if she could have found a bridge, she would have jumped off. But praise God, she didn't. God to the rescue ... |
Miracle #1 - The Rescue Begins |
God spoke to "Ukranian" missionaries who just happened to be in the United States.
He told them the city my grandparents lived in and their last name.
They were to find the family and tell them the plan of salvation.
That was it; no other instructions. The missionaries had no idea who my grandparents were or where they lived in this very large city. |
Miracle #2 - God's Leading |
God led these obedient servants to the very corner where my uncle was playing. The missionaries told him the last name of the people they were looking for and asked if he knew them. My uncle said "why yes, that's my family". He then took them home to meet his parents. |
Miracle #3 - Hearing the Word |
Usually my aunt and uncles had to interpret for gram and gramp as they didn't speak english very well. But on this day, the missionaries spoke to them in their native language (Ukranian). These wonderful servants told gram and gramp about Jesus and God's plan of salvation. |
Miracle #4 - Salvation |
Grandma immediately gave her heart to Jesus and was instantly changed into a new person. Grandpa was a bit slower but he too accepted Jesus into his heart. |
Miracle #5 - The Holy Spirit Manifested |
Depression lifted as grandma was immersed in her new found salvation. She no longer worried as she trusted God to take care of everything. |
As grandma worshipped and praised God, something began to happen.
The missionaries hadn't told her about it and
being new to the Bible, she hadn't read about it yet.
She began to act strange and speak in an unfamiliar language.
Grandpa, still sick in bed, didn't understand what was happening. The man renting their upstairs apartment said he'd seen this before. Grandma wasn't going "crazy", but rather, she was being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in a heavenly language. He said to let her be as she'd be ok. |
And so she was. Her life was changed completely forever. From that day on she was in constant communion with God. |
Miracle #6 - The Healing |
God healed grandpa both spiritually and physically. Though several doctors sent him home to die, God spared his life another 30 years. I had the privilege of knowing him as I was a young child when God finally called him home. |
The story doesn't end here.
God performed miracle after miracle in my grandparents lives. |
Once when the delivery man came to their home,
the Holy Spirit came over grandma and
she began speaking a language she had never learned.
It was the delivery mans native language.
The Holy Spirit spoke through grandma explaining the plan of salvation to this man in his own language. The man immediately fell to the ground, raised his arms towards heaven, and cried out to the Lord to save his soul that very day. Afterwards, the man said this had to a miracle; he knew gram could not have learned to speak his language so perfectly since he saw her the previous week. |
Another time she warned her children to stay inside.
She had prayed for rain because of a drought;
they were about to lose everything they had planted.
The children looked up at the sunny sky and laughed; not believing it would rain. They left but before they got to corner, God allowed the rain to pour. It didn't stop until the barrels grandma had put out to catch rain water were completely full. Gram lifted her arms towards heaven and thanked God for answering prayer. |
There were also countless times that God physically healed grandma. |
Faith Passed Down to Other Generations |
Grandma had a childs faith in Jesus. She walked, talked, and breathed Him every moment of her life. She was a genuine prayer warrior. |
My mother, who was 12 years younger than her closest sibling, loved her mother very much. She learned from her and passed on all that she was taught. |
I had always felt a strong closeness to grandma; she was my role model. I was privileged to not only hear the stories of my families past but see first hand how God works. I fear I fall short of the simple faith my grandmother had; but I've always strived to share my faith as she did. |
Grandma died the day after my 16th birthday. I'll never forget it. It was very hard on me because I loved her so much. But she knew it was time to go home with her Lord and she was ready. |
The Inheritance |
I know I would not be here today if God
had not interveened in my families lives so many years ago.
I thank God for the family heritage that He has given me.
But more importantly,
I thank Him for my eternal inheritance;
the new life I was given when I asked Jesus into my heart to be Lord and Saviour.
Even though my family witnessed many miracles of grace, or we had strong family bonds, until I personally received the gift of Jesus, my life was lost and without hope. But Jesus turned that all around and now I have the assurance of eternal salvation. |
God Will Make A Way |
The background song
"God Will Make A Way" pretty much says it all |
"God will make a way
where there seems to be no way He works in ways we may not understand He will make a way for you." |
A Prayer for You |
Father God, Thank you for your love and mercy.
Thank you for caring enough to send the greatest gift of all;
the gift of your precious son, Jesus.
Through Him, we learn about real love. We are rescued from a life of destruction and without hope. We are given renewed strength. We are promised a future with you for all eternity; free from pain and suffering. Thank you Lord, for your embracing arms that rescue all those who call upon the name of Jesus; In Him we find our safety and shelter. And Lord, thank you that you're not to busy to hear our hearts cry. Lord, I pray for friends and family; the weary, worn, sad, depressed, lonely; lost in a quickly passing world; trying to make it on their own. Open their eyes to see the Truth; their ears to hear your Word; their minds to understand your Wisdom; and their hearts to receive your Love. Thank you Lord, for making a way to rescue us. In Jesus precious name ..... AMEN |
Where Will You Spend Eternity? |
Is your furture uncertain?
Do you want the assurance of sharing the inheritance God has for you?
You can know,
without a doubt,
To find out how, please click here |
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