Our Vows

Paul's Vows
Today, as we stand before God and these witnesses,
I promise to love you unconditionally with all my heart;
in both good times and in the hard times; in sickness or in health.

I will encourage and support you in all you do.

I will be your protector and spiritual leader of our home
as directed by God in His Word.

I will seek God's guidance in both my life and our marriage.

I will honor you and cherish every moment
of our lives together as man and wife.

I will be your best friend and stay by your side.
Nothing shall separate us
'till God calls us home to be with Him.

On this day, I give you my love...
forever and always.

Hope's Vows
Today, as we stand before God and these witnesses,
I promise to love you unconditionally with all my heart;
in both good times and in the hard times; in sickness or in health.

I will encourage and support you in all you do.

I will be your help-mate and respect you as
the spiritual leader of our home as directed by God in His Word.

I will believe in and trust you as you
seek God's guidance in your life and our marriage.

I will honor you and cherish every moment
of our lives together as man and wife.

I will be your best friend and stay by your side.
Nothing shall separate us
'till God calls us home to be with Him.

On this day, I give you my love...
forever and always.

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